Rockstar Rocky, our little fighter!
Check out Rocky learning to use his new wheels! We haven't got the fit quite right yet but, stay tuned for his progress!

Yikes! We can't imagine how he survived the trauma, let alone going on a search for his rescuers! Please consider contributing to his care.

Well earned treats for not biting the doctor!!
Our little Rockstar is stealing hearts! He is going in for laser treatment to help heal some of the sores he got from dragging his little feet. Dr. Ohman is also treating his spine to help with the swelling.
What is laser treatment?
Clinical effects of low level laser therapy. Reduces swelling and inflammation: Stimulates lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling. Reduces healing time: Stimulates the cells around the injury to increase the speed, quality and strength of tissue repair.

Check out the nice article the Miami New Times did!
Sept. 21 from Boots on the Ground Volunteer
What a week it has been!
Triage is not for the weak-hearted. It is dirty, it is emotionally-draining, it is tough. Our volunteers are understaffed and overworked. Tears have been shed many times over frustration and exhaustion.
There are times when you are so exhausted and worn down that you want to walk away and quit.
But then you meet a dog like Rocky. A young man found Rocky dragging himself down a street. So he picked him up and took him to THREE different vets who all refused to help him because he had no money to help Rocky. So he brought Rocky to us, and begged us to take him - of course we said yes. Our first thought was that we would at least take him in to make sure he had someone with him when and if he had to be put down. But then we sat with Rocky and the first thing he did was give kisses. To everyone. He didn't even know us, and here he was loving on us like we were his family. At that second, we knew Rocky was worth fighting for.
Dr. Claudio with Mobile Pet Doctors saw Rocky that night with no hesitation and gave us the optimistic news that even though Rocky has a fractured/broken spine, he does have deep pain sensations which means that his spinal cord is not completely severed. He also told us that Rocky's injuries are not consistent with that of a car wreck, and that he was most likely injured when a tree fell on him during the strong winds of Hurricane Irma. Like any vet would, he gave us medicine to keep Rocky comfortable until we could find a rescue to take him in.
**Then Dr. Claudio went above and beyond the general scope of care for a patient. He personally contacted Dr. Wong at Southeast Veterinary Neurology who has agreed to take a look at Rocky and see if he is a candidate for rescue discounted spinal surgery.
And the news just gets better! Whether or not Rocky is a candidate for the surgery, Limbo Chihuahuas - Chihuahua Rescue, who is experienced with these types of cases, has agreed to take him into their rescue.**
We could not be happier! And we could not have done it without the help of local rescues, like, Paw Patrol Animal Rescue & Sanctuary, Dogs In Crisis, Chain of Love Abandnd Anmls Rescue and countless other rescuers and volunteers (you know who you are!) both on- and off-site working constantly to help Rocky and the other animals saved from Irma.
We have raised around $2800 total for Rocky's surgery and will continue raising money to cover the costs of his rehab. 100% of money raised will go to Rocky's care.
In a time of disaster, it was meeting a dog like Rocky that would make us do this all over again.